“It is a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt over such a small thing.” – Boromir The Lord of the Rings When the plague reached Paris in 1348, anyone who could afford to flee the city to the safety of the countryside did so immediately. It was with...
When does a place become home? An epiphany in the high Alps

Driving up the steep switchbacks of the Savoie to a historic plateau in the French Alps, our caravan came to an abrupt stop. It didn’t take long to see – and hear – the reason why. On the narrow road in front of us, a group of French dairy farmers was shepherding a...
Changing the world, one modest project at a time: Bringing water to Cambodian high school students
Watch the video to learn more about this worthy, achievable project to improve a small group of lives in a small corner of the world. A post by Brendan O’Byrne, United States Peace Corp Volunteer, Cambodia, 2015-16 The Project The high school where I teach in Cambodia just got a new bathroom built...
An Australian Wedding
On April 11, 2015, we got married in Fremantle, Australia. Colin O’Byrne came from San Francisco. Brendan O’Byrne came from Cambodia. Margaret McFarland, maid of honor, came from Chapel Hill, North Carolina. And our dear Australian friends Bill and Sean and Michael and Amy and Greer and Oenone and Joely were there as...